Feb 17 Update: Seeding for the 3rd-6th grade tournament begins this morning. Any scores reported for regular season games will not be included in the seeding process. The 3rd-6th grade tournament schedule will be released no later than Friday evening.
UPDATED 2/16 - changes in yellow highlight
The 3rd-6th grade tournament is fast approaching and we have put together a list of preliminary site assignments for the tournament. These will be emailed to all organizations on 2/14. We ask that coordinators confirm these times with the league no later end of day February 16th.
Please note that when a time is listed such as 12pm-6, that means the first game starts at 12pm and the last game starts at 5pm, meaning that we hope the last game ends by 6pm. If you are hosting championship games (as denoted in the last column), medal pickup will be on Friday, February 21st (coordinators will be emailed details). PLEASE make arrangements for someone in your organization to pickup medals that evening.
3rd-6th Tournament Gym Assignments
click here to read more ...Tournament Schedule Info
2/14: A team was inadvertently left out of the Varsity Boys D bracket and it has been rebuilt with a few schedule changes. If your team plays in the bracket, please double-check your opening round game time. Thanks
Please note that teams were assigned to brackets and seeded based on regular season results as of 9pm on Monday, February 10th for the 7th-12th grade tournament. While record is the primary driver of seeding, other factors are taken into consideration including forfeit wins/losses, head-to-head, strength of schedule, as well as trying to avoid first round matchups between teams from the same organization (sometimes this is unavoidable). We tried to reduce travel as much as possible, but this is a city wide tournament and we had very few sites available that were centrally located. Best of luck to all teams in the tournament next week!
You can access the schedule using the buttons below (all games for your bracket are shown by looking at the Physical Bracket or Schedule by Bracket) or there is a Tournament option on the Schedule menu with the same options to all of the tournament information. Please note that all brackets, seeds, and schedules are final.
Find My Bracket Physical Bracket Schedule by Bracket Schedule by Gym
click here to read more ...Please note that all 3rd-12th grade teams are automatically entered into our season-ending tournament unless we are notified by February 1st that they do not want to play. This is a single elimination tournament and teams are assigned to brackets based on record across all pods.
7th-12th Tournament
3rd-6th Tournament
If you would like to learn more about the CPYBL, feel free to access any of our informational pages which contain information about our league from the perspective of a coordinator, coach, and parent. Parents, can also fill out their liability waivers right here.
Parents Page Coaches Page Coordinators Page Liablity Waiver
click here to read more ...As of midnight on December 31st, rosters were frozen. At that time, the following changes were made to the web site:
The Cincinnati Premier Youth Basketball League is re-inventing youth sports leagues. We partner with our member organizations to ensure the best possible basketball experience for the youth of our communities and their families as well as our volunteer coaches. The CPYBL is committed to bringing a positive league experience to all of our members and are always looking to improve our operations based on the suggestions of our active membership. Please enjoy our expanded web experience by creating an account on our web site or by following us on X @CPYBL