Welcome Parents!


Welcome to our CPYBL Parents page. Whether you have a son or daughter playing in our league or you are just checking out our web site, we hope that you find the information provided on this page useful. It is also our hope that parents take an active leadership role with their child by volunteering their time with their local community, volunteering to coach, or simply by being a good character role model for their child by showing them how to compete with class and humility.  If you have any questions not answered here, please feel free to

Contact Us

User Account


You can create a user account on our web site which will give you access to a Subscriber Portal where you can track your favorite team(s) throughout the season.  In addition you can subscribe to game change notifications.

Create User Account

Rules and Conduct


To participate in the CPYBL, we expect all parents, players, coaches, and referees to adhere to our codes of conduct. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself and your son or daughter with these codes of conduct. Our rules document is also available if you have any questions about the rules that govern our league.

League Rules

Parent/Spectator Codes of Conduct

Player Codes of Conduct

Liability Waivers


In order for a child to participate in the Cincinnati Premier Youth Basketball League, ALL parents/guardians must fill out a Liability Waiver form for each of their children playing in our league.  We try to help out our coordinators by matching up waivers with roster entries so please double check the spelling of your child's name and make sure you choose the correct organization.  In order to be more helpful to our organization coordinators, waivers will be matched to roster entries based on three pieces of information this year:  organization name, player last name, player date of birth.


Liability Waiver Form


Athletic divisions are offered for girls and boys in grades 3-6. All teams play a 20 game schedule and are formed via a tryout process. Most grades will have A and B divisions and some will have a C division.

  • Highly competitive, teams formed by tryout
  • A, B, and C (not for 3rd grade) divisions for boys
  • A and B (not for 3rd grade) divisions for girls
  • Travel to all parts of the city
  • 20 game schedule
  • 10 minutes minimum playing time

High Rec

High-Rec divisions are offered for most boys age groups and girls 4th-6th grade. Teams are for players who did not make an athletic or school team and want to play in a more competitive environment to work on their skills.

  • More competitive than recreational
  • Offered for boys 3rd-8th, JV, and Varsity
  • Offered for girls 4th, 5th, and 6th grades
  • More travel than recreational divisions
  • 10 game schedule
  • 10 minutes minimum playing time


Recreational basketball is the lifeblood of our league and is offered for grades 2-12. It provides kids an opportunity to play with their friends and develop their skills in a lower pressure environment.

  • Less competitive, skill development and fun!
  • Instructional basketball for 2nd graders
  • Recreational for 3rd-8th, JV and Varsity
  • Local competition and minimal travel
  • 10 game schedule
  • 20 game option for 3rd-6th grade
  • 2 quarters (or equivalent minutes) minimum playing time (2nd/3rd)
  • 10 minutes minimum playing time (4th+)

Frequently Asked Questions

While we don't register individual players, we do accept teams from our member organizations for both boys and girls in 2nd through 12th grade.

The Cincinnati Premier Youth Basketball league provides an opportunity for the youth of Greater Cincinnati Area to play in a community-based basketball league. Our member communities register teams in our league and we schedule games and provide the other infrastructure necessary to give you the best youth basketball experience possible.

We do not have a spring league, but offer one of the largest winter leagues in the Midwest.

A Liability Waiver is an on-line form must be filled out by a parent or guardian for each player that wishes to participate in our league. The purpose of the waiver is to release the league of any liability in the case of an accident or improper conduct by players, coaches, or fans.

Each community may choose to charge admission for regular season and post-season tournament games. Some communities choose not to charge or charge less than the league max which is $10/family, $4/person. Note that if the organization hires an off-duty police officer, then they can charge an additional $2.

Did You Know?

  • A child may only play on ONE team in the CPYBL
  • A child must have a signed waiver to participate in league games
  • The CPYBL will be one of the largest community leagues in the Midwest this year
  • Your coaches and most of your coordinators are unpaid volunteers
  • Referees are people too
  • You can receive real-time game change notifications by creating a user account
  • Playing time required for athletic leagues is one quarter per player
  • Playing time required for high-rec/rec leagues is 1.5 quarters per player


The CPYBL offers a variety of email and SMS notifications for parents, coaches, and coordinators to keep them up to date with important information or to save them time when performing an administrative task such as logging a game score. If you would like to subscribe to notifications, please edit your account.

Game Change

For parents and coaches ... subscribers will receive an email or SMS text if a schedule change occurs for a team to which you have subscribed, including game adds and cancellations.

Tourney Scores

Get tournament scores sent to your phone as they are posted. Subscribe to a specific team(s) and receive all scores for that team or scores for all teams in that bracket.

Gym Change

You will receive an email update when the schedule changes at a gym you have subscribed to, including game adds and cancellations.

Rules Misconceptions

The following is set of common misconceptions parents and coaches have about basketball rules. We will update these throughout the season in an effort to educate everyone on how the game of basketball is played.

There is no 3-second count between the release of a shot and the control of a rebound, at which time a new count starts.
There is no such thing as over the back. There must be contact resulting in advantage/disadvantage. Do not put a tall player at a disadvantage merely for being tall.
There must be contact to have a foul! The mere act of reaching in by itself is nothing. If contact does occur, it is either a holding foul or a pushing foul.
A moving screen is not illegal unless contact is made.